Structura For Athletes
Range of motion and flexibility are crucial when it comes to performing at your highest level. Whether you are working out at the gym or running in a marathon; you need a body that can keep up with the demands of a healthy, active lifestyle. Our therapies can help you move freely so that you are able to experience wellness and peak performance levels without pain and dysfunction.
Structura helps athletes achieve their maximum potential
Structura’s therapy is an excellent choice for athletes striving to increase their overall performance. Athletes, or those with limited mobility, are often plagued with decreased range of motion and flexibility due to injury or chronic muscle problems. Our therapy techniques can help increase how far your muscles can move, while remaining pain-free. We focus on balancing the muscle systems of the body to improve mobility and posture by manipulating the body’s soft tissue, known as fascia. This therapy technique enables the body to maintain the proper mechanics necessary for optimal results in athletics, workouts, and in daily activities. Our team of highly skilled practitioners are trained to view muscle imbalances and design a treatment plan specific to each athlete’s needs. Our practitioners work to release areas of chronic tension and patterns of stress in the body to help you perform your best.
Schedule a FREE athlete consultation
Discover the key to a body that can keep up with the demands of a healthy, active lifestyle. Our therapies will improve your performance and help you live a pain free life all while keeping you in the game
Therapy programs designed for athletes
Structura has speciality design programs for all types of sports and life styles. Below are some of the specific programs designed for each sport to keep you in the game
Crossfit athletes
Structura’s CrossFit Therapy Program is not just for the injured—it can prepare you to crush your WOD.
One wrong movement while performing CrossFit training exercises—like a double-under, a muscle-up or a deadlift—can keep you on the sidelines of the next competition.
Runners & Marathoners
Runners know their bodies. And we know runners.
So, we’ve designed a runner-tailored program that specifically acknowledges the individual: Your needs. Your goals.
Structura helps each athlete get back up and running in no time.
Soccer Players
To reach maximum potential on the field, Structura’s soccer program is a strength and conditioning curriculum designed to help each player perform at their peak. Merging the focus on how athletes are built and the data on how soccer players move, this specially-designed program combines everything we need to know as professionals to help you get the best results as a player.
Structura’s Cyclist-Centered Program can help you pedal past your injury.
Whether you are suffering an injury as a commuting cyclist or a high-trained athlete, Structura has a specialized, cycling-centered program to help you with your problem areas.
Services For Athletes
Consultation w/ Therapy
30 Minute Session- Contact us for more information about pricing.
- A postural analysis will help increase an individual’s understanding of their body and why pain and dysfunction are present. During this session, your therapist will assess and analyze your current posture and set a benchmark for improvement. Your therapist will also ask preliminary questions to determine your overall health and your desired results from the treatment plan. The therapist will consider information about your physical condition, medical history, lifestyle, stress levels and any areas of physical pain. The information gathered in this brief consultation will help the therapist determine how to structure future session(s) to achieve your desired result
Myokinetic Therapy
60 Minute Session- Contact us for more information about pricing.
- Focuses on targeted specific issues using a variety of muscle release techniques and movements that center on integrating and relaxing areas of chronic tension or knots (also known as “adhesions.”). The therapist works to bring the body back into balance and restore range of motion. This is the beginning to organizing change to the myofascial system and a good starting point in preparation for receiving the 10 sessions of Structural Integration
Structural Integration
90 Minute Session- Contact us for more information about pricing.
- Through this ten session series of systematically organizing your fascia, your body will become aligned and neutral, which will improve your posture. The Rolf Method of Structural Integration changes the body’s compensation patterns resulting from shortened muscles and imbalances in the body. By lengthening and opening the patterns in the fascia surrounding the muscles, the thick and shortened tissue becomes soft and more pliable, which allows your muscles the space to work and gives joints the freedom to function. Your body will once again be able to move freely and you will enjoy increased flexibility, resiliency and range of motion
Our services offered focus on
Pain Management
Structura’s unique therapy is highly effective for addressing chronic pain, tension, discomfort, stiffness, decreased flexibility or impaired movement. We get to the root of the problem, instead of just treating the symptoms. We strive to help you get back to doing the things that you love, pain-free.
Injury Recover
When injuries occur to the body, it causes trauma to your body’s soft tissue. When your tissue is injured, it will lock up, bind, and shorten to protect itself, causing pain and tension. Our therapists will work to release areas of tension and patterns of stress in the body using our therapy techniques, which will give you faster, longer-lasting relief.
Relaxation Massage
Our relaxation massage is nothing like you’ve experienced before. Our approach will bring balance to your body’s muscle structure and our massage will ease you into relaxation, release stress and promote proper mind-body function. You will feel why the effects of our massages last longer than any other massage.
Athletic Mobility
Athletes need mobility in order to perform their best. Structura’s team of highly skilled massage therapists are trained to view muscle imbalances in the body that may be affecting performance. Our therapy helps athletes gain range of motion and flexibility to help them compete at their highest level.
Structural Integration
We specialize in a unique therapy called Structural Integration. This approach changes the body’s holding patterns and puts it back into a more neutral, balanced state. Our practitioners focus on balancing the body to improve range of motion, flexibility, posture, and support pain-free living.
Postural Alignment Therapy
The Egoscue Method is a unique and very effective program designed to treat musculoskeletal pain without manipulation (massage techniques). It is a process which involves a series of stretches and gentle exercises designed to restore full, natural function to muscles and joints.
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