
Runners know their bodies. And we know runners.

So, we’ve designed a runner-tailored program that specifically acknowledges the individual: Your needs. Your goals. Structura helps each athlete get back up and running in no time.
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Whether it’s an acute injury or you’ve been feeling pain for a while

We want to get you up and running, pain-free.

Our highly-trained professional structural therapists can give you the help you need.

Book online now for a FREE 45 minute consultation

You’re Not Alone: From Our Team to Yours

You’re used to being surrounded by a team of other players on the field when you play.

When you can’t play, our team at Structura Body Therapies is here to support you.

Let our team of professionals guide you through treatment and therapy to help you get back to doing what you love the most.

See. Treat. Release. Repeat.

Some of the most common soccer injuries include muscle pulls, muscle strains, ligament tears, and even dislocated joints.

You’re not alone in this injury. We’ve seen players just like you and treated cases just like yours.

Soccer players also tend to suffer from injuries related to overuse—like shin splints, patellar tendonitis, and Achilles tendonitis.

Through working with those players to get them back on the field, pain-free, we’ve gotten to know—through hands-on experience—how to best develop the program in place to help you play again.

We have also seen and treated players suffering from fractures and stress fractures, as well as muscle tears, ligament sprains, and so many more.

So, trust us: if you have it, we’ve treated it. Our experience and testimonials from past patients can help attest to our work. Together, from therapist to patient, we can work on getting you strong, pain-free, and game-ready.

The principles of the program are quite simple: our team of highly-skilled practitioners pinpoint problem areas, muscle imbalances, and overall weaknesses in each individual.

Once targeted points are established, we get to work—designing a treatment and therapy plan specifically tailored to you:

Your injury, your movement, and your body.

The goal at Structura is to focus on the structure of the body, which can help us build a structure for a treatment plan. This framework encompasses strength, endurance, balance, agility, flexibility, and accuracy.

We have many methods for therapy here at Structura. Some of our best techniques specifically geared towards soccer players include working to best release the areas of chronic tension, locating patterns of stress in your body, and focusing on re-working particular muscles and muscle fascia—or soft tissue—which will help improve mobility while you play.

Each player is different and so are each of our plans. Let us help choose the best treatment and therapy program for not only your particular injury but also for you as a player.

Structura helps each athlete get back up and running in no time.

Every runner has a problem area. Whether you have a history of muscle imbalances in your hips or you are more susceptible to ankle injuries, Structura’s Runners’ Program can help pinpoint these issues and turn your weaknesses into strengths.

To help you significantly improve mobility in your running methods or manage pain without medication or surgery, Structura places a large emphasis on analyzing your individual movement.

From our initial assessment, we can develop a plan in place that identifies weaknesses in your running form, re-works proper training, and helps you relearn common mistakes that might be causing the initial pain.

The principles of the program are quite simple: our staff here at Structura, equipped with the knowledge and experience of treating other athletes of your caliber will work with you through your problem areas.

Whether your running performance is suffering from muscle imbalances, overuse or injury, Structura focuses on correcting any off-balance issues to help get you back on the run.

Once we’ve established your starting points, our staff will come up with a treatment and therapy plan not only specifically tailored to you but to get you back on your feet and across that finish line.

The goal at Structura is to focus on the structure of the body, which can help us build a structure for your personalized treatment plan. We want to establish the framework of your plan to include concepts you will need as a runner, like endurance, flexibility, strength, and balance.

Through our various therapeutic methods here at Structura, some of our best techniques specifically geared towards runners include working to completely release areas of chronic tension, locating patterns of stress in your body, and focusing on re-working particular muscles, and the fascia of those muscles, which will help improve mobility while you run.

Running is an individual sport. You push yourself to be your best. Although you might run with others, running is a sport where the focus should be on you.

Focusing on keeping the individual in mind at Structura, we hone in on that individualism. We embrace it. We celebrate it.

We also believe in giving each individual problem the attention it deserves by focusing on your individual plan. This is the foundation for an effective treatment plan.

Like Your Best Shoes—You Can Rely On Us for the Support You Need

You know how important a good pair of running shoes can be.

The quality of your therapy is just as—if not more—important than that. For support through your injury and to help keep you pain-free through your workout, Structura can help with every step.

Let our team of professionals guide you through treatment and therapy to help you get back to doing what you love the most.

 A Running Cycle: Reoccurring Injuries No More

In our practice, some of the most common problems we see from runners are Runner’s Knee, Achilles tendinitis, hamstring issues, and shin splints, among others.

We’ve assessed and treated a fair number of athletes that have suffered from symptoms just like yours. Whether you are dealing with problems associated with Plantar fasciitis, IT band syndrome or other lower body issues, we’ve probably treated it before.

The experience of our staff and testimonials from our patients can convince you of the successful work we do here at Structura. Whether you like to run on soft or hard ground, let us help you get to a pain-free path.


It’s our priority to get you there.

Whether you are a recreational runner or regularly compete in races, Structura Body Therapies focus on a wide range of sports injuries.

Through the history of our practice, we’ve developed our unique process, which places your individual needs at the foundation of our plan.

Following our first assessment, a therapy professional is going to work with you, designing a runner-specific treatment and therapy plan to help you get back in the running of your own race.

Our services offered focus on

Pain Management

Structura’s unique therapy is highly effective for addressing chronic pain, tension, discomfort, stiffness, decreased flexibility or impaired movement. We get to the root of the problem, instead of just treating the symptoms. We strive to help you get back to doing the things that you love, pain-free.

Injury Recover

When injuries occur to the body, it causes trauma to your body’s soft tissue. When your tissue is injured, it will lock up, bind, and shorten to protect itself, causing pain and tension. Our therapists will work to release areas of tension and patterns of stress in the body using our therapy techniques, which will give you faster, longer-lasting relief.

Relaxation Massage

Our relaxation massage is nothing like you’ve experienced before. Our approach will bring balance to your body’s muscle structure and our massage will ease you into relaxation, release stress and promote proper mind-body function. You will feel why the effects of our massages last longer than any other massage.

Athletic Mobility

Athletes need mobility in order to perform their best. Structura’s team of highly skilled massage therapists are trained to view muscle imbalances in the body that may be affecting performance. Our therapy helps athletes gain range of motion and flexibility to help them compete at their highest level.

Structural Integration

We specialize in a unique therapy called Structural Integration. This approach changes the body’s holding patterns and puts it back into a more neutral, balanced state. Our practitioners focus on balancing the body to improve range of motion, flexibility, posture, and support pain-free living.

Postural Alignment Therapy

The Egoscue Method is a unique and very effective program designed to treat musculoskeletal pain without manipulation (massage techniques). It is a process which involves a series of stretches and gentle exercises designed to restore full, natural function to muscles and joints.

Book Your Appointment Online

Structura has many locations to serve you

Farmington Utah

Ph: 801-452-8007

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Colorado Springs

Ph: (719) 215-8722

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