
Common crossfit injuries are all apart of the sport but they don’t have to be. Crossfit is a strength and conditioning program used to strengthen the body in unique ways. The program is used by professional athletes, military operational units, martial artists, and more. Crossfitters demand more from their muscles and their body. In turn, we see a lot of Crossfit injuries for people that have been unsuccessful at preparing their body to undergo such an intense exercise regimen. The worst thing you can do for you muscles when they are hurting is go in for a “feel-good” massage, hoping it will relieve pain, when it only gives you pain relief for a few minutes or hours.

Individuals participating in Crossfit and other intense exercise programs need to understand how isolating muscle groups during exercise can lead to rhabdomyolysis, a serious syndrome related to extreme muscle strain. It can be dangerous for individuals with more muscle mass that can break down. Auto accidents, falls, and other crush injuries can lead to rhabdomyolysis, leading to chronic pain. It is our job to address the body in a globally functional way. Poor flexibility and orthopedic imbalances during Crossfit training can lead to injuries. What we mean is, if you don’t have good posture when you are sitting or you have old injuries, you can end up with painful muscle strain. Structural integration is used by top athletic groups to help heal athletes quickly and return to proper form. In fact, professional athletes use structural integration weekly to keep the body healthy and prevent serious injuries.

At Structura Body Therapies, we work on providing tissue work to Crossfitters to help improve muscular movement patterns. Simple muscle-based therapies (like a “feel good” massage) will fail in addressing the true issue. Only fascially-based methods will focus on structural integration to treat and improve the pain.

Common Crossfit Injuries include your back

There are several injuries that can occur as a result of pushing your body to the extreme. When you overload the lumbar spine doing deadlines and squats, you will end up with hyperextension of the spine. The pressure on the spine will cause pain and could lead to ongoing problems without effective treatment. The goal is to improve your pelvic alignment and focus on making sure it doesn’t stray during exercise. Focus on improving your glute and core strength to provide additional support to the lower back.

Anterior Shoulder Impingement

Shoulders are common crossfit injuries but we can help. The shoulder joint needs to stay in the correct position or it can end up with rotator cuff injuries. Rotator cuff injuries are extremely common in Crossfit clients as they try to lift weights laterally or overhead. Pull ups can lead to rotator cuff injuries along with one-armed push-ups. To prevent this injury, it is best to focus on stretching the pectoral muscles between lifting or pull-ups. Thoracic mobility can prevent the shoulders from rounding, which leads to shoulder injuries if the shoulders are pushed to the extreme.

Knee Injuries

People commonly lift a lot of weight or push their body to pull weight while performing a variety of Crossfit exercises. The problem we are seeing relates to the kneecap. Getting pain around the front of the knee could indicate patella femoral joint dysfunction. This condition is caused by overloading the knee joint and the thigh muscles are imbalanced. Maintaining proper knee alignment is the ideal way to prevent knee injuries. When you are squatting or lunging, keep the knee from rolling in.

How Structural Integration Improves common Crossfit Injuries

kaysville crossfit injuryWe provide a complete series designed to organize the body as a whole. What does the body need? How can we help you find relief from the pain while focusing on creating a more complete body as a whole? Structural integration will improve your body awareness and helps you understand movement during exercise.
In a traditional 10-series session, we will have several sessions focus on integration. The integration phase focuses on putting the body back together. The entire body will be aligned as a whole, improving the way you feel and function.

Clients will undergo treatments to focus on organizing individual segments while learning the important of hydrating specific layers of fascia. We will create a sense of stability for the entire body by neutralizing rotations and improving shifts and tilts. You will learn how to get the body to understand transfer of motion and energy and the importance of a healthy spine, head, neck, shoulders, and ribs.

When a person isolates just the shoulder, they are not getting the response and connection from the ribs, spine, legs, pelvis, and feet. We can help your body understand how to move properly as a whole during training. It is our goal to help your muscles move smoothly and efficiently and help you achieve maximum health and wellness. For more information about Crossfit injuries in Utah, call Structura Body Therapies today.

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