
The colorful fall trees have dropped their leaves, leading us into the long, dark winter months. Unfortunately, fewer hours of daylight that come with shorter winter days can cause a lack of energy and lower zest for life, also known as “winter blues”. To avoid anxiety and exhaustion, it is important to find ways of dealing with stress that are conducive to healthy living. 

There are a number of things one can do to help deal with the blues. Refusing to take on additional activities will reduce some possible causes of stress. Occasionally getting away from our electronic devices, and the endless chatter they bring, can help us recharge. Spending time with friends and family, and finding someone to discuss your feelings with, can also help reduce stress and feelings of isolation-both common results of winter blues.

One of the best ways to fight the blues is to slow down, relax and recharge. Massage therapy is one of the best ways to slow down and it is beneficial for your health in many ways. Massage has been known to reduce stress, anxiety and depression. The relaxing strokes of a massage will increase blood flow to your body and make you instantly feel more invigorated and relaxed.

So if you suffer from chronic winter blues, let the massage therapists at Structura help you beat the blues this season!

If you’re feeling these negative side effects of the busy holiday season, have any questions related to structural integration or massage, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with Structura, please call us at 801-897-8711.


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