
Shoulder Pain & Chronic Holding Patterns


The shoulder is an incredibly mobile and complex ball-and-socket joint and because of the increased mobility there is also a greater chance of instability, dysfunctions, compensation and pain that can be created. There are 17 muscles that connect directly to the shoulders and a total of 21 that actually influence its movement and placement. When poor chronic holding patterns are developed, misalignment of the musculoskeletal system occur. Because the body functions better when the musculoskeletal system is aligned, these misalignments will create dysfunction within the tissues and compensation throughout the entire body. Shoulder problems and strain are common and can be caused from a multitude of different causes. But the key to shoulder health is to keep the shoulders and all loading joints stacked upon each other. When the shoulders are stacked appropriately they are stronger, more functional, and can handle the workload put upon them more efficiently. 



Overall posture can influence the shoulders placement and when chronic holding pattern are developed the shoulder musculature begin to compensate and the fascial connections become restrictive. There is a consent state of tension held between the front and back, and sides of the body, this tension helps to keep us erect and aligned. When there is an musculoskeletal imbalance, the muscles being to work against each other in a tug-a-war manner. In the front to back relationship of the body, often times, the frontal fascia and musculature become locked in a shorten state, whereas the back musculature and fascial connections are being lengthened and locked in an elongated state. This imbalance will create dysfunction and compensation, and the body is taught to work against itself rather than working as a unit. When compensation and dysfunction are present in the body and not addressed appropriately, it will continue to build upon the dysfunction creating more compensation and overtime you are bound to get an injury or pain. 



Over the years I have seen many clients with shoulder problems and there are many common issues that can occur such as; shoulder impingement causing numbness and tingling, frozen shoulder, muscle strains, musculature imbalance, muscle and tendon tears, bursitis, and tendonitis. When the shoulders are not sitting properly and stacked upon the other loading joints misalignment is created, and ultimately pain and dysfunction of some form within the shoulders will occur.  



At Structura are approach is to get the body functioning properly by bring the whole body into better postural alignment. We do this through visual assessment, functional testing, lengthening and organizing the fascial and muscular systems, and a unique set of muscle re-education exercises. By doing this, the client will gain an increase in range of motion and stability, enhancing the chance of the  shoulders to function at their optimal state. Do not be surprised when we work in areas outside of the targeted pain because typically where the pain signal is located is not where the cause of the pain is coming from. Structura’s integrative therapies will help to increase range of motion and break up connective tissue adhesions, leading to greater mobility. We encourage you to move as much as possible to avoid fascial tissue adhesion and restrictions.

The muscle re-education exercises are vital to the healing process and create the perfect combination with the bodywork. They are a series of gentle exercises and stretches that re-educate the muscles, re-minding them of their full potential and function to help bring the body back into proper alignment. 

The education clients receive at Structura is considered an extremely important part of the healing process. Becoming more aware of your personal holding patterns, increasing body awareness, and taking accountability of your personal health is part of the recipe. Client’s who take accountability in their recovery experience better and longer lasting results.


Jon from Ogden Utah Testimonial

Working with Structura Body Therapies has been a life-changing experience. They are not only extremely skilled in their practice, but are very educational. I noticed a big difference after the first visit

Ogden, UT

Tiffany from West Valley, UT Testimonial

I was having some lower back pain and and they’re deep tissue massage helped me feel better. The therapist was really nice and I felt amazing after the 60-minute session. I would highly recommend anyone with back pain to go to them. -Tiffany

Susan from Neveda Testimonial

I was in a car accident and hurt my neck and low back. I came into Structura Body Therapies and they helped me get rid of the pain I was having. I would recommend to anyone that has been in an accident to come in and get some bodywork done from Structura!

Pamela from Utah Testimonial

I was afraid to try Structura because I heard the therapy might be painful. But it was going into months and months with plantar fasciitis and not being able to walk without limping and waddling. That was painful too. Through the therapy sessions, I found that I was twisted and seized up all over. I’m not sure when the fasciitis actually completely healed, but it did 100%. The therapy was a little painful, but nothing like the pain of months of fasciitis and years of waddling. At 58 years old, I can finally move my legs again so I can walk normally and start exercising.

Jessica from Ogden, UT Testimonial

Structura has truly helped me so much! It was a long road to recovery, but I skipped the surgeries and was able to naturally heal over time. I continue to go on a regular basis for maintenance now. This is an amazing way to stay in top performance and learn about mobility and movement.

Jeannie from Clearfield, UT Testimonial

I am a 62 year old female. For several years, I have become less flexible and stiff. I was introduced to Structura and finished the 10 weekly sessions of Structural Integration. They are very professional and knowledgeable. I would highly recommend Structura Body Therapies’ therapy.

Kellie from Hooper, UT Testimonial

I am running again! Less than a year ago, I had a doctor, physical therapist, and a chiropractor all tell me I needed to stop running because of constant back and neck pain, along with ankle and groin injuries. Well, they were wrong! Because of Stuctura Body Therapies, in the last 2 months, I have ran a half marathon, a 5K, and I am continuing to run 3 times a week. The 10-week Structural Integration program, and continued maintenance, have been a true blessing for me. The therapists and staff at Structura are the best, and are professional and caring. So grateful to have found this amazing technique.

Lisa from Layton, UT Testimonial

I felt so good after each of the 10 sessions of Structural Integration. Parts of my body that bothered me before the session felt so much better after being worked on. My knees that hurt before, didn’t bother me after being worked on.

J. Sanchez from Clearfield, UT Testimonial

I was introduced to Structura Body Therapies by a family member.  I have suffered from chronic pain for the past 9 years and the source of the pain was finally diagnosed. I started coming to Structura to see how their therapies could help me before, between, and after the two hip surgeries I would need to correct the source of my pain. I cannot express enough how pleased I am with the results of the therapy thus far!  I recently had the first surgery and the therapies from Structura Body Therapies have cut my healing time by 4 weeks! I am looking very forward to completing my next surgery and then starting the Structural Integration program with Structura.

Kaylee from North Ogden, UT Testimonial

I was experiencing a lot of knee pain after having surgery for a torn ACL. Months of physical therapy and a 2nd knee surgery didn’t help the pain and issues I was having. I was ready to just live with the pain but I decided to give Structura’s therapy a try. It has helped my knee tremendously! My knee pain is gone and my range of motion is back! So happy I found this therapy! If you are experiencing pain that your doctors can’t figure out, I would highly recommend Structura’s therapy!

Nick from Kaysville, UT Testimonial


I was in a car accident and hurt my neck and low back. I came into Structura Body Therapies and they helped me get rid of the pain I was having. I would recommend to anyone that has been in an accident to come in and get some bodywork done from Structura!

Debra Testimonial

The people are friendly, and make you feel at ease. They are very professional, and I saw results fast. I am thankful that there is hope to take away my pain, which I have lived with for so long. I would highly recommend Structura to anyone.

Annie from Layton, UT Testimonial

I’ve been able to get my life back thanks to the therapists at Structura. Taylor and Skye were amazing at listening and critically thinking. They were both very professional. I had dealt with 1.5 years of debilitating pain in my lower back and shooting pain down my legs. After physical therapy, multiple steroid shots, and mediations to deal with the pain I heard about Structura. Thanks to these amazing people I can sleep through the night, enjoy activities I love, and play with my kids. I would highly recommend them to anyone needing more than a relaxing massage.

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