
Scar Tissue and the Ways it Can Affect Your Body


Scar tissue is one of the most normal side effects of the human body healing itself, and yet there is quite a bit of misinformation about how it’s formed, what helps with the symptoms that occur once it has formed to a certain extent, and even what it is actually made of.  


To begin with, scar tissue is made of collagen cells that will form on and around the injured area to try to protect it. This often occurs during the inflammatory period of an injury where the site is very red and hot to the touch for a little while; in the case of the body having succeeded in “cleaning out” the area correctly, the inflammation will go away on it’s own and all the collagen cells will now be grouped together around the original area of injury to form scar tissue. However, what is often the case is that the body doesn’t know how to arrange the collagen cells in a manner that will allow them to become healthy tissue again. Instead, they become bunched together and cannot be used appropriately due to losing their natural flexibility and structure. 


Thus, scar tissue that is negatively affecting the body–a.k.a. fascial adhesions–are born.



There are many different ways that scar tissue can form in the human body: 


  • Trauma to the body (either by receiving a cut or a blow to an area)
  • Surgery of any variety
  • Tearing connective tissue or muscle fibers and then not having correct/enough PT to the areas affected


Another extremely common reason why scar tissue can form is due to atrophy from lack of movement in the area as a form of compensation. Most people compensate after an injury, no matter how well the injury itself was able to heal. This can cause a lot of issues with the musculoskeletal system in general due to the body now having problems not only with the side that is healing, but also with the opposing side having all of the weight being shifted onto it to accommodate the restricted range of motion.  



The most common side effects of scar tissue that hasn’t healed properly are basically reduced down to pain and dysfunction, reduction in range of motion, as well as an inability to “fire” or engage the muscles that are covered in the scar tissue. When someone is experiencing pain from scar tissue pinning down an area, it will usually feel like the following:

  • Radiating, throbbing pain surrounding the area that the scar tissue is encasing (both above and below the original site of injury)
  • An acutely awkward sensation with range of motion, almost as though the area is “stuck” and will not perform regular degrees of range of motion without feeling pinched/tweaked
  • Reduction in strength or endurance in the musculature that was affected
    • Ex: injury to the wrist will cause lack of “grip strength” in the hand and fingers, as well as a general lack of strength in the entire arm if the scar tissue is not addressed early on either from atrophy or severe compensation in how the arm is now being used


Now, a common myth that has been promoted by doctors lately as more and more people have had issues with their body healing properly as a “side effect” of surgeries and such is to have another surgery to “remove” the scar tissue. This is a myth simply due to the way that the human body heals itself (see above description about collagen formations), and therefore will just keep the problem going. So, how does one fully recover from scar tissue developing and get their body back to full working order again?


Well, good news! Scar tissue is NOT something that is permanent and unfixable. A large portion of the population has very debilitating scar tissue pockets or patches that could in fact be opened up again using the manual connective tissue techniques that we do here at Structura. By working on the fascial adhesions that have restricted the tissue as well as utilizing our exercise therapy program to help to encourage a more natural state of movement, this would definitely be a type of chronic issue that can be resolved.


At Structura, we set up a full treatment plan for everything that we work on with clients, and something like opening up scar tissue would be no exception. Depending on where the scar tissue has originated from, we would focus several sessions on, above, and below that initial site to really peel back the fascial layers that are helping to adhere the scar tissue down. Then, we would work on the areas of compensation that have evolved from the lack of mobility the scar tissue has created in your body by now trying to help balance out the rest of your body. Depending on how deep/debilitating the scar tissue has become, just getting the scar tissue open can take quite a bit of time, so keep this in mind while talking to your therapist about a projected treatment plan when coming in for treatment. No matter what, whether it takes us a few weeks or several months to fully get these areas open and moving again, we will do all we can at Structura to help guide you towards living a healthier, balanced and pain-free life again.


Kaylee from North Ogden, UT Testimonial

I was experiencing a lot of knee pain after having surgery for a torn ACL. Months of physical therapy and a 2nd knee surgery didn’t help the pain and issues I was having. I was ready to just live with the pain but I decided to give Structura’s therapy a try. It has helped my knee tremendously! My knee pain is gone and my range of motion is back! So happy I found this therapy! If you are experiencing pain that your doctors can’t figure out, I would highly recommend Structura’s therapy!

Annie from Layton, UT Testimonial

I’ve been able to get my life back thanks to the therapists at Structura. Taylor and Skye were amazing at listening and critically thinking. They were both very professional. I had dealt with 1.5 years of debilitating pain in my lower back and shooting pain down my legs. After physical therapy, multiple steroid shots, and mediations to deal with the pain I heard about Structura. Thanks to these amazing people I can sleep through the night, enjoy activities I love, and play with my kids. I would highly recommend them to anyone needing more than a relaxing massage.

Jeannie from Clearfield, UT Testimonial

I am a 62 year old female. For several years, I have become less flexible and stiff. I was introduced to Structura and finished the 10 weekly sessions of Structural Integration. They are very professional and knowledgeable. I would highly recommend Structura Body Therapies’ therapy.

Jon from Ogden Utah Testimonial

Working with Structura Body Therapies has been a life-changing experience. They are not only extremely skilled in their practice, but are very educational. I noticed a big difference after the first visit

Ogden, UT

Pamela from Utah Testimonial

I was afraid to try Structura because I heard the therapy might be painful. But it was going into months and months with plantar fasciitis and not being able to walk without limping and waddling. That was painful too. Through the therapy sessions, I found that I was twisted and seized up all over. I’m not sure when the fasciitis actually completely healed, but it did 100%. The therapy was a little painful, but nothing like the pain of months of fasciitis and years of waddling. At 58 years old, I can finally move my legs again so I can walk normally and start exercising.

J. Sanchez from Clearfield, UT Testimonial

I was introduced to Structura Body Therapies by a family member.  I have suffered from chronic pain for the past 9 years and the source of the pain was finally diagnosed. I started coming to Structura to see how their therapies could help me before, between, and after the two hip surgeries I would need to correct the source of my pain. I cannot express enough how pleased I am with the results of the therapy thus far!  I recently had the first surgery and the therapies from Structura Body Therapies have cut my healing time by 4 weeks! I am looking very forward to completing my next surgery and then starting the Structural Integration program with Structura.

Debra Testimonial

The people are friendly, and make you feel at ease. They are very professional, and I saw results fast. I am thankful that there is hope to take away my pain, which I have lived with for so long. I would highly recommend Structura to anyone.

Kellie from Hooper, UT Testimonial

I am running again! Less than a year ago, I had a doctor, physical therapist, and a chiropractor all tell me I needed to stop running because of constant back and neck pain, along with ankle and groin injuries. Well, they were wrong! Because of Stuctura Body Therapies, in the last 2 months, I have ran a half marathon, a 5K, and I am continuing to run 3 times a week. The 10-week Structural Integration program, and continued maintenance, have been a true blessing for me. The therapists and staff at Structura are the best, and are professional and caring. So grateful to have found this amazing technique.

Tiffany from West Valley, UT Testimonial

I was having some lower back pain and and they’re deep tissue massage helped me feel better. The therapist was really nice and I felt amazing after the 60-minute session. I would highly recommend anyone with back pain to go to them. -Tiffany

Jessica from Ogden, UT Testimonial

Structura has truly helped me so much! It was a long road to recovery, but I skipped the surgeries and was able to naturally heal over time. I continue to go on a regular basis for maintenance now. This is an amazing way to stay in top performance and learn about mobility and movement.

Lisa from Layton, UT Testimonial

I felt so good after each of the 10 sessions of Structural Integration. Parts of my body that bothered me before the session felt so much better after being worked on. My knees that hurt before, didn’t bother me after being worked on.

Susan from Neveda Testimonial

I was in a car accident and hurt my neck and low back. I came into Structura Body Therapies and they helped me get rid of the pain I was having. I would recommend to anyone that has been in an accident to come in and get some bodywork done from Structura!

Nick from Kaysville, UT Testimonial


I was in a car accident and hurt my neck and low back. I came into Structura Body Therapies and they helped me get rid of the pain I was having. I would recommend to anyone that has been in an accident to come in and get some bodywork done from Structura!

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