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Frozen Shoulder

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a myofascial condition that affects the shoulder joint capsule. The bones, ligaments and tendons are all wrapped in dense connective tissue known as fascia.



Symptoms can vary from person to person. The most common symptom is a throbbing, non stop head pain. Not to be confused with a regular headaches that are short in comparison and more of an ache than actually pain. Migraines are constant and unrelenting. They can last anywhere from a few hours to days or even weeks at a time. This pain can bring on bouts of depression, anxiety and physical weakness. The effect a migraine has on the rest of the body can be overwhelming and debilitating.

Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)

Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome (TMJ)

Temporomandibular Joint Syndrome, also known as TMJ, is a condition of the jaw and surrounding muscular tissues that can cause pain and dysfunction to the mandibular joint when it is inflamed or injured. This will often lead to a multitude of symptoms that can vary in severity with the most common being headaches, stiff/tight/sore muscles of the jaw and neck, popping or clicking in the jaw, and pain that can be very similar to that of a toothache.

Shoulder Pain & Chronic Holding Patterns

Shoulder Pain & Chronic Holding Patterns

The shoulder is an incredibly mobile and complex ball-and-socket joint and because of the increased mobility there is also a greater chance of instability, dysfunctions, compensation and pain that can be created. There are 17 muscles that connect directly to the shoulders and a total of 21 that actually influence its movement and placement. When poor chronic holding patterns are developed, misalignment of the musculoskeletal system occur. Because the body functions better when the musculoskeletal system is aligned, these misalignments will create dysfunction within the tissues and compensation throughout the entire body.

Low back pain

Low back pain

The Lower back, which starts below the rib cage, is called the lumbar region. Symptoms of low back pain range from a dull ache to a stabbing or shooting sensation. The pain may make it hard to move or stand up straight. Acute low back pain comes on suddenly, and pain that lasts more than three months is considered chronic.

Sciatic pain

Sciatic pain

Sciatic pain is from the sciatic nerve that becomes pinched irritated or inflamed. It goes down through your lower back, buttocks, and down your legs with sharp inflame pain. Usually it affects one side then both sides which leads up to numbness down one leg.

Snapping hip syndrome

Snapping hip syndrome

Snapping Hip is characterized by an audible or palpable 'snapping' sensation or 'clicking' sound when the hip is moved in certain directions. It is also known as dancers hip for its commonly found in dancers as well as runners and swimmers. It can be either on the outside of the hip or in the front near where the belt is where someone normally sits. 

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal Stenosis

Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the small spinal canal, which contains the nerve roots and spinal cord, becomes compressed. This causes a “pinching” of the spinal cord and or/nerve roots. This can cause pain, cramping, weakness, or numbness. Depending on where the narrowing happens, you may feel these symptoms in the lower back, legs, neck, shoulder, or arms. With the way your nerves are set up in the body, if it is pinched on one side, you can feel the pain in both legs due to the fact that nerves decussate or cross over to the other side of your spine before going up to the brain.

Runner’s Knee

Runner’s Knee

The knee joint consists of an articulation between four bones: the femur, tibia fibula & patella.  There are also four compartments of the knee. These are medial & lateral tibiofemoral compartments, the patellofemoral compartment & the superior tibiofibular joint.  Each of these areas or compartments can suffer repetitive strain, injury or disease.

Low Back Pain

Low Back Pain

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