
Wendy Keeler – Owner


Wendy Keeler – Owner

Wendy is a mother of 4 and grandmother of more. She is an outdoor and sports enthusiast and loves a good adventure. She loves photography and has spent years doing street and wildlife photography in India.

Myokinetic Therapy has enabled her to continue doing what she loves. She has been a client for many many years. The therapies have changed her life and have enabled her to continue a very active lifestyle despite her many physical challenges. And her pain has decreased substantially.

She has never lived near a Structura Body Therapies facility and has had to travel far distances (for years from the other side of the globe) to receive the much needed therapies. It just wasn’t possible for her to get the full range of treatment without having a facility nearby.

So now she is an excited and enthusiastic owner of her own clinic! Partly motivated by her own ability to be treated, and partly motivated to help many others.

Articles Written by Wendy Keeler – Owner

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