
Although everyone experiences stress on different levels, it can be problematic when it becomes constant with no relief or relaxation. Many are not aware of the connection between physical and emotional health but when you are experiencing emotional stress, your body suffers from it.  Stress can affect the body negatively in many different ways; it can cause pain, muscle tension, teeth grinding, weight gain, and disease to name a few.  Because work is one of the most common stressors in our everyday life, here are some ways you can keep relaxed at work, and keep your body healthy.


Move around more

Remaining stagnant for too long will create stiffness and discomfort, so if your job allows it, try to keep your body moving.  If there are tasks you can accomplish at work while standing, this will help keep you from sitting all day long.


Manage your time effectively, be organized

There are few things more stressful than being late to work, especially when there is an important meeting or task scheduled for the day. Creating to do lists ahead of time will help you estimate how your day needs to be laid out.  Make sure you always leave yourself plenty of time to prepare and commute to work, in case an unexpected event comes up.  Also, learning to only take on as much as you can handle will help you manage your time.  Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you are feeling overloaded.


Take short breaks

If your mind is overwhelmed with a task, try taking one or two breaks every hour for about five minutes.  This will keep your mind refreshed, and allow you to be more productive than if you had remained glued to your assignment.  Make sure to completely remove yourself from the work, get a drink, do some stretches, or just relax in another room.


Focus on your breathing

A great way to remain calm and relaxed is to breathe deeply through your nose.  This may take some conscious effort on your part, but this will make it impossible to get as anxious than you would otherwise.  Your body is unable to stay at the same level of energy without receiving the additional amount of oxygen that comes from breathing through your mouth.


Stretch out your body

If you add certain stretches into your routine throughout the day, it will allow you to execute your work more efficiently and with much less stress.  Some important places you can focus on are the neck, forearms, torso, and even the eyes!

Eye stretch- Gradually look to your left, keep your head still, and look as far as you can. Next, gently move your eyes to your right side, and look as far as you can. Move your eyes up slowly, and then bring them down slowly, keeping your head motionless the whole time. Repeat this exercise about 3-5 times.


Taking these suggestions, and adding them into your routine at work, will improve your overall health. At Structura, we know how stressful life can be, and we are concerned with the overall alignment and function of your body.  If you feel work stressors have interfered with your health, we are the number one choice for people seeking pain relief, better health, more balance, and stress reduction.

Please contact us today for any information needed related to massage or structural integration. 801-897-8711

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