
Most of the time, if you are receiving massage therapy, you just show up, let the therapist do their work, and then head out afterwards feeling good. This is one way to go about the massage therapy process, however, there are a few things you can do before, during, and after your massage that can help give you the best experience possible.  To help you make the most out of your massage, here are some different things you can try at the various stages of your therapy.


Before your massage                                                                                                        

Prior to getting your massage, do some research ahead of time to find professionals that will be the best fit for you.  Look for any references and make sure proper schooling and licenses have been obtained. Ask questions about the specific methods they work with, and how much pressure is used by the therapist.  Once you have found a good massage therapist for you and have made your appointment, before going in take a hot shower.  This will loosen up your muscles which will ease the effort needed to massage them correctly, and also every massage therapist would prefer to work in a clean environment.  You can also compile a list of things that could be medically applicable to the massage, like any injuries, or any specific requests or requirements you are seeking.


During your massage                                                                                                     

Now for the best part of the process! Try to relax and just take the time to enjoy your massage, keep any necessary communications flowing constantly.  If you are feeling pain, discomfort, or have anything else keeping you from relaxing, let the therapist know immediately.  They are ultimately there to help you have the best experience you can, and also want you to come back for more treatments, so any good therapist will take care of inconveniences right away.


After the massage                                                                                                                

To get the best results from your massage try to drink a lot of water afterwards to stay hydrated.  Getting a massage often releases any toxins that have been stagnant in the body; drinking water will help remove them as quickly as possible.  If your muscles felt tight beforehand, you may feel a little sore after getting a massage, so give yourself some time to heal.  Just try to be patient, and remember it may take a few times before you feel total relief.  Also, taking a warm bath in Epsom salt will help reduce inflammation, soreness, and continue to aid in releasing toxins.


Sometimes the process of massage may cause some temporary emotional changes, like an urge to cry or feeling full of energy, especially if you have been under a great deal of stress.  Just be aware that these changes are normal reactions that your body requests, and if you welcome them, you will feel much better afterwards.


Using all of these suggestions, you can ensure that your experience with massage therapy will get you feeling at your best. Here at Structura Body Therapies we are concerned with the overall performance of the body and understand the importance of all areas of health and massage therapy. We treat patients with all types of needs, and are set on getting your body feeling and operating the way it should, while simultaneously providing you with a comfortable, relaxing environment.

Please contact us today for any information needed related to massage or structural integration. 801-897-8711

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