
Ok, maybe every day would be a little much. However, you can stop thinking of that once-a-year trip to the spa as a luxury—experts agreeJason Prince • massage • massage therapy • Nancy Prince • sports massage • structura body therapies getting massages as often as once a week can be beneficial to your health.

Keep up that sort of treatment on a weekly, monthly, or even a several-times-a-year basis, and you’re looking at improved overall mental and physical health.

You don’t wait for your car’s engine to start making noise and smoke before you get an oil change—you keep regular appointments to prevent problems. Similarly, keeping a regular massage regimen will reduce the risk of high blood pressure, stiff muscles, and even everyday aches and pains like headaches and fatigue.

“Studies have shown effectiveness with massage therapy for low back pain and cancer pain,” says John Katomski, a licensed massage therapist (LMT) and faculty member at the Swedish Institute in New York City. “There is some indication that massage can increase the movement and number of white blood cells, suggesting immune system benefits. Research points to some consistent benefits of massage therapy, most notably in the areas of stress reduction, pain reduction and enhanced function of the immune system.” As published in the February 1st issue of Science Translational Medicine and in a prior blog the evidence is powerful.

But before you line up appointments at spas all over town, take caution. For a regular massage schedule, it’s smartest to use the same Licensed Therapist. Here at Structura we want to get to know you and your specific body needs.  You’re certain to feel lighter, more relaxed, and generally happier after a great professional massage, especially one that’s long overdue!

With regularly scheduled sessions, you can expect to see long-lasting health benefits such as a drop in blood pressure, your colds turning less frequent, and your muscles and bones feeling better.

Here at Structura Body Therapies we are concerned with the overall performance of the body and understand the importance of all areas of health and massage therapy. We are trained in Myofascial Release and look forward to introducing this type of treatment to you if it is the best form needed.  We treat patients with all types of needs from automobile accident related injuries to sports performance work.

Please contact us today for any information needed related to massage or structural integration. call us at 801-897-8711

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