
Regular massage therapy has many benefits for the health of the body. But did you know that regular massages improve your immune system? As we head into the cold and flu season you can try all of the usual tricks to stay healthy like pumping yourself full of vitamin C, and bathing yourself in antibacterial soaps, but wouldn’t you rather relax your way to better immune health? 

How does massage improve the immune system?

There are a couple of different factors that account for the relationship between massage therapy and a stronger immune system.

First of all, massage therapy reduces the levels of cortisol in your body. Cortisol is a hormone associated with pressure and stress. High levels of cortisol increase blood pressure and reduce natural killer cells (the cells that fight infection and bacteria). Low levels of cortisol, on the other hand, can allow immune cells to do their job without any interference. This means that your immune system will have more troops for the battle against cold and flu germs. As an added bonus you’ll be more efficient because you’ll have less wasted sick days with the sniffles.

Secondly, massage therapy promotes increased lymphatic circulation, a process whereby lymph moves throughout the body, eliminates pathogens and other waste, and increases the spread of white blood cells. Such a process serves to boost your infection-fighting capabilities.

So if you’re a victim of stress and a weakened immune system, try healing massage therapy to give your body the boost that it needs to stay healthy! Your body will thank you for it later and you’ll be able to better enjoy this beautiful time of year. If you have any questions related to structural integration or massage, or if you would like to schedule an appointment with Structura, please call us at 801-897-8711.

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