
Myofascial Release has many benefits that are included in the Structura Body Therapies approach and methods which are considered to be the standard in Myofascial release.  It is aJason Prince, massage therapy, Nancy Prince, Ogden, Pain Management, Structura, Structural, Utah safe, gentle and consistently effective in producing results that last.

Trauma, inflammation, injury and/or surgical procedures create Myofascial restrictions these restrictions can produce pressures of approximately 2,000 pounds per square inch on pain sensitive structures. This pressure will not show up on an that do not show up in an x-ray or CAT scan, however you ask anyone suffering from the pressure they can assure you it is real.

If you are suffering from this and you decide to go see your medical doctor their approach will be to prescribe drugs.  These drugs will give temporarily pain relief, but does nothing about the “straight-jacket” of pressure that is causing the pain. Traditional physical, occupational and massage therapy treats the symptoms caused by the pressure.  These systems do not address the root cause of the pressure causing pain. This is why so many people only have temporary results never seeming to get better with traditional therapy. Myofascial Release treats the root problem causing effects, getting to the problem and correcting it. By correcting the problem you can stop taking the medications and live a happier more fulfilling life.

Structura Body Therapies has been able to help many people in the Ogden Utah and Northern Utah areas.  Myofascial Release will safely and gently release the entire Myofascial complex for lasting and comprehensive results and authentic healing.

Here at Structura Body Therapies we are concerned with the overall performance of the body and understand the importance of all areas of health and massage therapy. We are trained in Myofascial Release and look forward to introducing this type of treatment to you if it is the best form needed.  We treat patients with all types of needs from automobile accident related injuries to sports performance work.

Please contact us today for any information needed related to massage or structural integration. call us at 801-897-8711

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